Here it is, the obligatory Valentine's Day-is-near entry. I much prefer celebrating Imbolc with some homemade cocoa and planting seedlings. But, to speak to the romance in the air, the first signs of spring are appearing, even here in the frozen tundra of Cache Valley, and you don't have to believe in some contrived, commercialized and emotionally complicated day to celebrate true romance in your life, whether you're in a relationship or looking for someone (or not!).
This gives me a chance to answer some love-related questions, which has become my latest specialty in a line of successive specialties, so I would like to hear them from you. I will give a free brief one-card reading to anyone who asks a romantic/love/relationship-related question via the comments space, until the end of February (subject to change depending on how fast they come in).
image credit http://spellworks.net/?p=159 - click image to enlarge.
What can I do to add joy to my marriage?
ReplyDeleteHow do I make him fall in love with me again?
ReplyDeleteLadybug: the Chariot reversed calls for you to examine the places where your will power cannot sustain you, and look for a different approach. When we try to hold too tight a rein on our emotions, when our conscious and subconscious natures struggle in seemingly opposite directions, we can feel insecure in our position in life, out of control, and at odds with others. Reconcile your desires by letting these desires be what they are and then looking for ways that they overlap. Balance your poles. Relax your grip and let things flow of their own accord. You will find that joy has been waiting the whole time!
ReplyDeleteJessy: of course, you can't make anyone do anything; but the Queen of Wands may be able to help you rekindle his passion. She's spirited and fiery, spontaneous, confident, outspoken, and can manifest anything her will decrees. Something tells me it's these qualities in you that he fell in love with before, and he can fall for those qualities again. Avoid making demands and losing your temper; doing either will only push him away. Let him know you're the same woman he fell in love with, that your own passions for life still burn, and that spark should help reignite passion's fire!