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Jan 21, 2011

Finding Your Goddess

I wrote this meditation to help a friend obtain guidance on an important life issue. Feel free to use this if you are new to goddess spirituality or if you simply feel the desire to acquaint yourself with the Goddess in a new way. It is written to introduce you to a new Goddess archetype as well as address any important questions on your mind.

Goddess Consciousness is possible
no matter what your subscribed religion. I invite you to consider feminine archetypes in your own religion and how they are a part of God.

What you receive in this meditation works toward your Highest and Best.
No harm shall come to you in following this meditation with proper safety awareness (as in, don't perform while operating heavy machinery,etc). Please read this article if you are completely new to guided meditation. Needless to say, results will vary from time to time given your circumstances. The author advises that you eat something after this meditation, ideally a fruit associated with Goddess, like an apple.

Take some time to relax. As you exhale, expel your tension in a cloud of smoke, and see it fade into nothing. Feel your body relax as you release this tension. As you inhale, draw in golden light that fills you with peace and love. Feel your body accept healing from the Divine Love that is all around you. In your mind's eye, see a triangle, point down, for your feminine aspect. Dancing around the triangle is a color: your color.* The triangle is infused with light in your color.

You feel invited, drawn, to the triangle. Peace embraces you: here is a chance to fully accept yourself how you are, to step into acceptance of Divine Love. This is your true state of being. In accepting Divine Love, you step into the presence of the Divine.

After fully accepting Divine Love, focus your intent. Hold your current purpose for seeking out the Goddess in your mind.

Now pass through the threshold of your triangle.

Find yourself in an open cave, empty but illuminated by soft light. It's a little cool, and damp, but not too wet. You feel comfortable here. You see glyphs from other people, even your ancestors, over millennia, depicting life in all phases. They all compose a giant love letter to the Earth, giver of life.

When you are done taking in these messages from your ancestors, you see the mouth of the cave waiting with a promise of light and birdsong. You feel compelled to explore.

As you approach the mouth of the cave, you hear a female voice, singing in a language that feels very familiar to you. As you focus your hearing, the meaning of her song comes to you:

I am She Who Is, I am She Who Gives Life...
You feel drawn by her Song to the outside of the cave.

She stands just outside the cave, beautiful and radiant. Pay attention to what she is doing. Pay attention to the colors she wears. She turns to you and introduces herself, saying "Welcome, my Child. You are Spirit of my Spirit, Song of my Song, and I have loved you from the beginning."

She invites you to share Her comfort and warmth. You feel boundless Love emanating from her. Her animal totem(s) may appear to you.* She asks you what you seek, and you tell her.

She says, "I will help you with what you seek," and she explains how she will help you.
Thank her for her love, for her time, and for her help. Say anything else you feel you need to say. She blesses you as you leave.
Step back into the cave. As your eyes, adjust, see the triangle waiting for you there, and return to your body through the triangle.

Be Here Now.

*subject to change between meditations.

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Jan 18, 2011

The Occasional Card: the World (Reversed)

We seem to be on a run of reversals here. Good thing I gave you some information a couple of days ago about what reversals can mean.

The World reversed points to our own lower nature. Her actions can be suspended and delayed while she is unsure of her connection with her surroundings. Her nakedness has become vulnerable instead of confident. She can be hampered by her illusory loneliness, hesitant, watchful, possibly paranoid. Don't forget, possibilities are still endless. You are still connected to everything. Something has come full circle for you, in a big way, and you're just not seeing the results. How are you accepting your current circumstances? Have you built up recent events in your mind to the point that any other outcome becomes anti-climatic? Are you underestimating your own power? How you face the world is up to you; just because you withdraw from social interactions doesn't mean you're forgotten, or that you disappear. There are no wrong choices when you choose consciously.

Your social scene may also feel stood on their head at this time, with people around you acting contrary to their perceived habits. Relationships are currently redefining themselves.

The World reminds us that Now is all we ever have. Are you feeling truly centered?
If you're out of touch with your root chakra, now is the time to call ground control. Are you feeling dissatisfied with your life? Re-examine your current choices. How could you choose better?

These cards are an experiment in the Universal nature of the tarot, and to give you my personal perspective of each card over time. Your comments are welcome. Brightest blessings.

"The Word has been made flesh and dwells amongst us." - Eden Gray

Eden Gray's Complete Guide to the Tarot

Your Sign is Not Changing! - On the 13th Zodiac Sign - Tarot Gals

Your Sign is Not Changing! - On the 13th Zodiac Sign - Tarot Gals

Just wanted to share this article: she pretty much sums up what I suspected about this zodiac 'shift' - it's not real. Just because you say something is so, doesn't mean it is.

Jan 16, 2011

Reversals, In Brief

Reversed tarot cards get a bad rap. Largely seen in a negative light, reversals often are interpreted as the exact mirror of the upright dignified view. A reading entirely comprised of reversals can cause a reader to scrap the reading and deal the cards afresh. Sometimes called 'ill-omened,' reversals are cited in many sources as a sign of bad luck for the reader.

One tarot reading site, interprets the Major Arcana card VIII, Strength, reversed to mean:
"Weakness in the face of obstacles and adversity. Tremendous power released
at the wrong moment. Inability to defend oneself. Confusion, and lack of preparedness.
Illness, hardship, distress and the failing of physical force. Dominant behavior,
abusiveness and a possible loss of reputation."

To readers with broader experience, this meaning will look somewhat incomplete. Implications are left unexplored, of the presence of the card upright. It only examines the card in relief of what the site says about the dignified card. The Web site http://faç is still useful to preview a broad selection of decks, but because it features so many decks in its tarot reading tool, the meanings and symbology of different cards become truncated.

A reversal can reflect the upright card like a looking glass, but will not always give an exact mirror image. Reversals can indicate an inwardly directed process, something under the surface, or something that is trying to break through into the seeker’s life but is being blocked by another aspect of the situation (which would be shown in other cards).

Mary K. Greer discusses 12 ways to read reversals in her Complete Book of Tarot Reversals published in Llewellyn’s Special Topics in Tarot series. Among the 12 ways, Greer discusses the qualities of the upright card becoming resisted, projected, unavailable, indicating magical or shamanic activities, as well the traditional negation of the card’s upright traits.

I find reversals to be instructional, highlighting certain cards and their places in a reading and underscoring their messages. Reversals indicate that care is to be taken here; a remedy is to be applied. Even the symbol “Rx” is used to indicate a reversal, the same note made on prescriptions by doctors.
Next time you read your cards and reversals turn up, ask yourself, what happens when this card stands on its head? What’s in its pockets, what becomes more apparent in its reversed aspect? Remember, even when reversed, the card itself stays the same. One side implies the other. You may begin to incorporate reversed meanings with the upright appearance of the card. Follow your intuition, and you will know what is right for you.