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Mar 18, 2011

Astrology and the Tarot

Part of my ten years of studying the Tarot has been occupied with its relationship to the western zodiac.  There are many symbols throughout the deck that correspond to the astrological signs.  The Wheel of Fortune even reflects the wheel of the zodiac.

The Golden Dawn is one authority to consult for Tarot/Astrology correspondences.  Here, I wish to look at what cards visually contain symbols of the zodiac.  I will refer to the Rider Waite deck, since it is the most traditional deck that I work with.

The Wheel of the Zodiac:
The Fool The number of this card, 0, is reminiscent of the circle of the zodiac; the circles on the Fool's tunic are divided into twelve segments, also like the circle of the zodiac. The Golden Dawn drew a correspondence between this card and the planet Uranus because Uranus is "The eternal traveller (sic), ready for the lesson. Mind open and free, bounding into the unknown" (, and other sources link this card with the sign Aquarius because Uranus is the modern ruler of that sign.

The Wheel of Fortune (10) shows eight spokes instead of the zodiac's twelve, but since 8 and 12 share a factor of 4, the Wheel of Fortune echoes the zodiac's division into four elemental groups.  The four beasts correspond with the four fixed signs of the zodiac.  The World Card (21) also shows the heads of these four beasts and thus shares a correspondence to the zodiac as a whole.
