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Nov 6, 2010

Client Bill of Rights

This is reproduced from the Tarot Certification Board of America web site ( I would like to articulate here a distinction. I do make predictions, but as an intuitive, not a Tarot reader. My role as a Tarot reader stands outside of my gifts of predictive intuition, and I will happily tell you in a reading which role I am speaking from, if you ask me.

* You always have the right to exercise your own free will and to make your own choices.
* You alone have the right to decide if and when you want
a tarot reading.

* You have the right to a useful and supportive tarot reading

* You are entitled to the full attention of your reader.
* You are entitled to ask questions during the reading to gain
further clarification.

* You are entitled to full and complete answers to the questions
covered in your reading.

* Your tarot reading is private and confidential.
* Your reading is a complete service in itself. You are not required to purchase anything else.
* Tarot readers are not qualified to give medical advice unless they are physicians.
* Tarot readers are not qualified to give financial advice unless they are qualified financial advisors.
* Tarot readers are not qualified to give legal advice unless they are attorneys.
* Tarot readers are not qualified to predict the future.
* Tarot readers are not qualified to make your decisions for you. 

I would like to add here, I am a Tarot reader, but I am not just a tarot reader: I am an intuitive, too.  Everybody is intuitive to one extent or another, but I have trained my natural talent to a professional level.  I will let you know when I am speaking as an intuitive, and when I am speaking as a Tarot reader.

Troubled Teens

If there’s a teenager in your life, chances are you see them riding a roller coaster of emotions as their bodies change, their hormones shift, and their perception of reality and world view grow. The transition from childhood to adulthood is a strange journey and, in modern western society, particularly difficult, since often the adolescent is not personally guided by a coming-of-age ceremony or supported by their local community. Instead, our youth are pressured by commercial messages that highlight any feelings of insecurity so they buy more stuff to fit in better and estranged by an education system that all too often focuses on obedience and discipline as opposed to dispensing wisdom and an ethical balance. These messages sew a deeper seed of mistrust in the self, leading to a reliance on outside sources for confidence and affirmation, and can choke out an inner sense of independence if not counteracted by more empowering personal messages from adults and other teens.

In the Tarot, the Page cards all depict youths with differing personalities and abilities. The Pages reversed, describing upended personalities or inner struggles, can offer some key insights into behavior of troubled teens. Reversals indicate going deeper into the self, whether in a pursuit of deeper understanding or as an escape from a world too hard to bear. They can indicate extremes in behavior, and often point to suppression of inner qualities, fears, and insecurities. Fears and insecurities when left unchecked can lead to selfish and potentially destructive behavior. In any case, the person represented by a page reversed is going through an upheaval in their lives where they need time and space to figure themselves out. When I get a Page reversed that does indicate an older person, it means the person in question left possibly traumatic issues unresolved in their own adolescence, and are acting out of that time in their past.

I cannot emphasize enough that the key to turning these teens’ energy back upright is to relate to them, to affirm and validate their feelings (this is not the same as excusing their actions), and provide a safe outlet for their emotions by engaging in activities with them on their comfort level. For personal details on your teen and to find out whether they are sailing smoothly or near to capsizing on the waves of their emotions, contact me for a reading.

Client Testimonials

I would love to hear from you if you have something to share about your experience. Please send them to me on Facebook/ write on the wall for Real Life Tarot, or email them to me at faye (dot) frances (at) gmail (dot) com. Although I only publish my good reviews, you are also welcome to send me constructive criticism. Your privacy will be protected on this blog by the publication of only your first name. Many thanks!


November 6, 2010.
Faye's experience and knowledge of the tarot, her natural intuitive skills, was very much so needed at that point in my life. So major things were happening that she was able to help me gain a fresh perspective on those events. Not only that, these readings helped me to see where I was clinging ...onto illusions, showing me where there was truth... in effect helping me overcome the illusions and move past them in my life. Would highly recommend asking her for a reading, A++ -- Andrew

Empowerment: key to the future you desire.

Today’s world can be overwhelming. Between balancing budgets, keeping up with today’s highly competitive work environment, and maintaining relationships in the spectrum from casual to intimate, we are constantly lured into the belief that things happen to us. The truth always remains, people are active beings. We happen to the world. Believe it or not, as much as we like to think that our partners, our friends, our pets, make us happy (or miserable), it’s not true: we make ourselves happy (or miserable).

One of my primary goals as a Tarot reader is to empower my clients to choose their future. You are ultimately responsible for your own choices, actions, and happiness. Other peoples’ actions affect your life, but your reaction to those effects will always be your choice to make. Your luck is already changing. You will find your true love when you make room in your life for that love. No one is destined for failure. My part is to help you discover what lies down the road from certain choices, to reveal possible consequences and results of your present actions.

Our choices affect other people in a continuous ripple on the giant web of existence. When you or someone else makes a disastrous mistake, or catastrophe strikes, you can either take the back seat and feel sorry for yourself or you can begin to steer the situation toward healing and positive change.

I worked for a psychic hotline until a couple of months ago. I had a client who called me almost every day to talk about a man she was in love with. The man was an alcoholic and had ceased contact with her, but she maintained contact with his brother. Not long afterward, the brother told her to leave them both alone. She told me that she had released her emotional ties to the man, but she insisted on asking about his activities and his feelings. When I encouraged her to move on, she would insist she had. Finally all psychic energy from him that I had picked up on closed like a door. I realized that I could not make this woman see her own refusal to move on. I finally advised her to seek out a psychologist to help her find herself. It was hard for me not to feel that I had failed her, but I had been honest about what I was picking up on her situation. Honesty is a cornerstone of any good tarot practice.

We are powerful beings who have the ability to manifest our desires, but none of us get exactly what we want all the time. When events spiral out of our control, we must ask ourselves, “How much of this did I create?”, “What can I do to change this situation?” and “What can I learn from my choices?” Sometimes we feel like we’re making all the right choices, and things go wrong anyway. Sometimes we feel like walking examples of Murphy’s Law because everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong, despite our best efforts and preparations. But even when the circumstances seem arbitrary, we can answer the questions of how much we created, what we can change, and what we can learn. Then we can move beyond the circumstances to releasing our sadness/ regret/ pain/ anger/ guilt, and go on to create something positive, fulfilling, and joyful. When we achieve this creation of fulfillment, it is next to impossible to take away the happiness it brings because that happiness is truly our own.

We all create our own destinies, one choice at a time.

Who I am

Hi, my name is Faye. Welcome to my blog.

I am self taught in reading the Tarot with ten years of experience. I have been reading professionally for nearly two years. I am blessed with clairsentience, or "clear knowing," a type of psychic ability that lets me tap into wisdom beyond my normal resources. In other words, I just know things. This ability chooses its own time to activate. Most of the time, I stick to the meanings of the cards.

I now live in Logan, Utah, but I grew up in southern Illinois and western Tennessee. I went to school at Utah State University and lived in Berkeley, California, for a year after finishing school.

You can find me most weekdays at the Citrus and Sage, sipping tea/coffee, and hanging out with my daughter, who is almost eight months old.

I follow an eclectic spiritual path, and my own diverse background helps me to accept anyone at my table no matter what their spiritual beliefs, so long as their mind and heart are open to new experiences. I address questions about money, love, career, travel, and can perform karmic and life path readings with you as well.

I have helped people by predicting events in legal cases, foreseeing upcoming obstacles, opening up communications with spirit guides, verifying a person's romantic interest, and clarifying opportunities for new business. My biggest achievements come from helping people discern their life path.

I worked with an 800 psychic line until September of this year.

I will have testimonials from previous clients up soon!

Brightest blessings,

Faye F.M. Casperson
(435) 512-0033

A Disclaimer

What I do:

*I offer guidance through the Tarot, an ancient art of divination.

*I help people to look at their current situation and what lies before them.

*I bring matters of the past into focus that have played a crucial part in the present situation.

*I help any who wish to seek out contact with their Spirit Guides.

*I offer instruction to people interested in learning to read the Tarot themselves.

*I use my intuitive abilities to focus in on which meaning of the cards is applicable to the querent.

What I do NOT do:

*I do not tell you only what you want to hear.

*I do not read minds.

*I will not make your decisions for you or tell you what to do.

*I will not tease you with partial information to keep you coming back.

*I do not use cheap tricks to fool you, like the tactics mentioned here:

Please note: I am not a licensed counselor, psychologist, or medical professional. I have a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and Science, and life experience that lets me know something of the world.